shine your eye, corper!

Where Is The Best Place To Serve In NYSC Service Year?

Urban Vs Rural: Where Is The Best Place To Enjoy NYSC Service Year

Where is the best place to serve after leaving the NYSC orientation camp?

There are so many factors that can influence people’s choices and then leave them hanging. While this may seem like a difficult decision. You do not have to be afraid.

In this article, you’ll get to find out the advantages and disadvantages of these environments.  This would give you a better understanding of them.

Tighten your seatbelt! We’re moving!

Overview of this article:

  • Difference between rural and urban environment.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the urban environment.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the rural environment.
  • Frequently asked questions about these two.

Where Is The Best Place To Serve; Difference Between Rural Environment And Urban Environment 

The issues between the rural and urban environment are no new thing to us as we have seen it even from our childhood to the present age. Some of us were born in rural communities while some of us were born in urban communities. 

No doubt either of the two has influenced us in a way! An urban environment is one with an advanced level of development and evidence of money. This is so because the government has played a large role in ensuring that these communities have the best when it comes to road networks, electricity, drainage system, industries, and the like. The development is evident.

On the other hand, a rural community is one with little or no development at all. People living their lives and everything just going in one direction. Bad roads, unstable electricity, poor drainage, and water systems, and absence of industries. 

All these are the factors that determine a rural or urban community but this does not mean they do not have the advantages and disadvantages.

Moving on, let’s check out the advantages and disadvantages of urban environments.

Advantages Of Urban Environment

Stable electricity

This is one edge urban communities have over rural communities. Which corp member would not love to serve in a community with a stable power supply? Most times corpers leverage on this to make extra money. Some of them could be freelancers, online currency traders, and the like. This is one reason why some corpers would prefer to serve in an urban environment.

Good road links

A place where you can link up easily because of its good road network. Corpers see this as one way to connect to their PPAs easily without stress. 


This list would be incomplete without mentioning this. You’d see a person say he wants to serve in a place like Lagos, not because of anything but because he feels he’ll connect with someone of high caliber. True to their words they could be lucky to meet people that would change their lives for good. This is also a reason why people would love to serve in urban areas.

Disadvantages Of Urban Environment

High cost of feeding

You can’t serve in places like Lagos, Abuja, and Port-Harcourt and expect to live a cheap life. Trust me you’ll be forced to live the “big boy’ life. Things are expensive in these locations so if you want to serve here, you must consider the cost.

High transportation cost

As good as their roads, you still have to spend so much on transportation. Serving in a location like this without your ride could be quite tasking. Ensure you are very much prepared before you take action to change your state of service.

Having seen all of these, you’re no longer unaware of the pros and cons of the urban environment to corpers.

Advantages Of Rural Environment

Low cost of living

Unlike the urban environment, you can get foodstuff and even transportation at a low cost. This is because civilization has not penetrated these communities. If you look forward to not spending much when it comes to your service years then a rural environment would help.

Friendly interactions

Sometimes these environments could be pretty small, leading to a good level of communication amongst dwellers of the land. There is a liberty to interact freely among yourself and get to know each other better.

The calmness of the mind

In rural environments, you do not have to worry about so many things as a corper. The environment is serene and gives you a view that people can still survive notwithstanding the hurdles they face daily.

Disadvantages Of Rural Environment

Exposure to health hazards

Being that you are exposed to things like bad water and the environment, if you do not give your health 100% attention, you might end up gambling with it. So, you should prioritize your health as much as your stay in camp.

Poor electricity

This would affect those who work remotely. The absence of electricity would be great damage to your work. You don’t get to power your phones and laptop as you ought to. All these can be of detriment to you and your work.

Security issues

As calm as these places may be, sometimes they are prone to attacks from external forces which makes corpers run away from these locations. Everyone wants their sanity and would not want to trade it for anything.

Now that you have seen these, let’s take a look at answers to frequently asked questions.

Can I change the location I was initially posted to?

Yes, this is possible as you would be writing a letter directed to NYSC requesting a change due to work or some other situation.

Are there locations that attract automatic redeployment?

Yes, there is and that place is Borno state. Due to the emergencies there, corpers can redeploy to their chosen location after the compulsory orientation program.

Does NYSC provide accommodation at my PPA?

No, they do not. You have to sort your accommodation yourself.

Conclusion: So Where Is The Best Place To Serve?

Having seen this, I know you are duly informed on which is better to serve in as a corper. Do not make choices on what people say but on valid research as it would help you not to make the wrong choices. 

I wish you success in your service years!

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