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Clove Soaked In Water For Infections.

You are probably wondering how this spice can also provide health benefits to you, right?

Clove, also named Eugenia Caryophyllata, is the dried flower bud of a tree. This spice known to be of great use in the kitchen also has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that help stop the growth of microorganisms.

Clove contains eugenol, a natural compound found in cloves, and it possesses various properties that contribute to its potential health benefits.
It is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. These properties can inhibit the growth of bacteria, thus making them useful in addressing certain bacterial infections and combating fungal infections.

Cloves contains the following

  • Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Folate, Riboflavin, Vitamin A, Thiamine, Vitamin D, and Omega 3 fatty acids along with other properties.

As an antimicrobial, clove can be added to water as a natural remedy against infections.

How to Prepare and Use Clove Infused Water for Infection

First things first,

Step 1: Get your clove

Note, It is advisable to buy organically grown cloves or fresh from the tree to avoid consuming water invested with pesticides and other plant pollutants.

Step 2: Put your clove in a pot and boil it up.

After it boils,

Step 3: Reduce it to low heat and allow it to simmer for about 10 minutes.
By now, you should be able to smell the flavor.

Step 4: Once it’s ready, let the heat cool

Finally, store it in a fridge, For maximum effect, use it within two days.

Related Post: How to prepare scent leaf for infection

Another method

Fill a bowl or glass with water

Add your freshly crushed or grounded cloves into it.

You can leave it overnight or for at least 8 hours to give the clove extract enough time to soak up into the water.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS).

How Long Should I Leave The Cloves In The Water?

To ensure the water absorbs all the beneficial compounds, it is advisable to soak it in the water for about 8 hours or more.
 How Often Can I Use Clove Water?

Everyone differs so it is advisable to use it three times daily to be on the safer side.

You could also consult with your doctor before use.

 Are there allergies-related issues with cloves?

It’s possible to have allergic reactions to cloves.
Some of these symptoms may include swelling, itching, hives, and difficulty breathing.


Taking clove-infused water is one of the most effective natural remedies for infection. However, if the infection persists, you should try other remedies or consult with a medical professional for further assistance.


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