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Does Ampiclox And Andrews Liver Salt Prevent Pregnancy?

Over the past decade, unwanted pregnancy has been the reason behind the high increase in the number of abortions done by both single and married women.

Exploring sexual escapades by both men and women is a common trend worldwide. Some even see this as competition with their fellow peers. They often call it ‘Body count,’ But at the end of this adventure, males and females begin to seek feasible solutions on how to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

What Is Andrew Liver Salt Used For?

Andrews liver salt is a drug for treating indigestion, constipation, and acid flux, commonly known as laxatives or antacids. Unfortunately, this drug has been trending for the wrong purpose; some (females) said it prevents them from getting pregnant after unprotected sex, while some said it removes unwanted early pregnancy. 

But are all these accurate?

Let’s continue.

What Is Ampixclox Used For?

Ampiclox is a secondary synthetic of the penicillin drug used to treat bacterial infections. Widely called antibiotics. Which comes in 250/500 mg. Also, it is used to treat the following: 

  • Gonorrhea 
  • Urinary Tract Infection
  • Meningitis
  • Respiratory Tract Infection 
  • Stomach disorder
  • infection of the intestines
  • Ear infection
  • Nose infection, etc.

See also: Can Andrews Liver Salt Prevent Pregnancy?

It contains two active ingredients called Cloxicillian and Ampicillin. Anybody engaging in unprotected sex with the viewpoint of using either or a combination of Ampiclox and Andrews liver salt to prevent pregnancy will surely be disappointed.

So back to the question, 

Does Ampiclox And Andrews Liver Salt Prevent Pregnancy?

No! Ampiclox (an oral capsule) cannot prevent pregnancy, nor can Andrews liver salt do the same.

You should disregard the various misconceptions about taking either Ampiclox-Beecham or unbranded Ampiclox and Andrews liver salt to prevent unintended pregnancy because it has severe side effects. 

Also, look for a medically approved approach to preventing unwanted pregnancy by visiting a physician to guide you through the process.

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