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Drinking Bitter Leaf Water On Empty Stomach

In Nigeria, bitter leaf water is a liquid extract obtained from the Vernonia Amygdalina plant. It has antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties that aid in treating various ailments. Drinking bitter-leaf water on an empty stomach has numerous benefits for both young and old.

Here are, the various benefits of drinking bitter leaf water on an empty stomach

5 benefits of drinking bitter leaf water on an empty stomach

It lowers blood pressure

Bitter leaf contains a compound called Quinine, which is known to help relax blood vessels and improve circulation. This can help lower blood by making blood flow through the vessels easier.

It detoxifies the body

Bitter leaf juice is believed to have detoxing properties that help flush out toxins from the body. Also, the bitter leaf has a long history of use in traditional medicine, which is used to treat a variety of conditions, such as malaria, fever and diarrhoea.

It improves fertility

Bitter leaf water has many health benefits and can also enhance fertility. It contains a high amount of vitamin B9, also known as folic acid. This acid is essential for the development of the neural tube and can help prevent birth defects in the brain and spine.

Bitter leaf helps to treat abdominal issues

Drinking bitter leaf water can offer various health benefits, including the treatment of abdominal issues. It helps to cleanse the colon, which in turn, reduces the risk of colon cancer. The bitter leaf water also detoxifies the liver and gallbladder and can help in treating stomach ulcers.

Increased energy level

Drinking bitter-leaf water on an empty stomach can provide a much-needed energy boost to your body. The water is packed with essential nutrients and vitamins that help in improving energy levels. Bitter leaf is rich in Vitamin C which aids the body in energy production. Additionally, the water also helps in enhancing blood circulation and oxygen levels. This combination of benefits can result in increased energy levels and an overall sense of well-being.

It strengthens the Immune System

Your immune system can be strengthened with bitter leaf juice, therefore helping you fight off infections.

“How does bitter leaf water work? It contains essential vitamins A and C, which help boost the immune system. Vitamin A plays a crucial role in producing white blood cells that fight off infections. On the other hand, vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that safeguards your cells against damage.

Related Post: Benefits of eating bitter kola on stomach

How to prepare bitter leaf juice

  • Pluck your bitter leaf
  • Put in a bowl
  • Add a little pinch of salt
  • Wash them properly with clean water
  • Squeeze them well and drink the first water that comes out of it. (Note you can also chew the


Frequently Asked Questions About Drinking Bitter Leaf Water On Empty Stomach

Can I take bitter leaf water on an empty stomach?

Before taking bitter leaf on an empty stomach you have to be aware of your health status. It may be safe for some people while it may not be the same case for others.

 Can bitter leaf water be used as a home remedy?

Yes, bitter leaf juice can be used as a home remedy for mild illnesses like stomach ache, fever and hiccups. But it is important to not overuse it.


Drinking bitter-leaf juice is considered to be healthy and medicinal. It boosts the immune system, lowers sugar levels, enhances fertility and so on. However, it is important to also seek your doctor’s advice overtake it as it has if you have any medicinal. Also, there is need to be drink the juice with caution so as to not avoid overdose.



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