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How To Become A Content Writer; A Detailed Guide To Help You Launch A Prolific Career


How To Become A Content Writer In 7 Easy Steps

So you want to become a content writer? 

Congratulations! You have come to the right place.

Being a content writer goes beyond writing for fun. Your writings must pass quality information and solve your audience’s problems. On that note, you will agree with me that not all writers are content writers., right?

Now, you should have gotten a glimpse of what content writers do. Let’s get you started on how you can become one.

Look at this:

Who is a Content Writer?

A content writer is a person who writes to pass information across to a defined audience.


Being a content writer goes beyond just writing. A content writer solves problems with each piece he or she creates.

If you want to become one, ‌‌give value, solve problems, communicate, and give needed information to your audience.

You cannot just wake up and start writing random things that do not address the concerns of your target audience and still call yourself a content writer.

Anything you write must communicate value to your audience.

Now, let’s get into the business.

How To Become A Content Writer In 7 Easy Steps

These are the 7 tips.

  1. Mindset
  2. Learn to write
  3. Purpose
  4. Practise
  5. Choose a platform 
  6. Choose your style
  7. Pitch yourself

Let’s discuss them one by one.


Your mindset has a lot to contribute to how you become a content writer? What you instill and absorb in your mind reflects in how you act. 

If you have it in your mind that it’s difficult to be a content writer, you will most likely find it difficult. 

What then should you instill in your mind? Know that you can become a content writer once you put in the effort. Also, get rid of the perfection mindset. Those experts you admire started out as very imperfect writers. So, don’t wait till you learn everything before you start out.

Learn to Write

This can’t be overemphasized. You need to learn how to write more effectively. Writing is communication, so whatever you want to write must be understood by your audience.

You can learn from Google, Coursera, Alison, edX, Udemy, YouTube, and other free resources online. If you have money to pay for writing courses, make sure you pay and learn. Paid courses most times are more valuable than free resources.

You should be able to write in simple language, for effective communication. 

Please, don’t mistake effective writing with grammar. Using complex words can be a turnoff to your readers. Who wants to be reading while checking a dictionary at the same time? 

Communicate in a simple language.

Learning is continuous. Be ready to learn every day to improve yourself as a content writer. We live in a continually changing world that doesn’t support complacency. Don’t let your skill become obsolete, so learn to hone your skill at all times.


Ask yourself why. Why do you want to write? It’s nice if you can answer this question. 

Maybe you want to write to teach a language, to promote your business, to train others on personal development, to train other writers, and others.

When you know why. You will know your driving force. 

This will keep pushing you to grow higher. Also, you will recognize your niche and write content around it. And you know what? It will be easier to define your audience and solve their problems.


To become a content writer, write almost every day. 

As a beginner, you might not find it easy, but try to do it, and you will surely see improvement in your writing. As it is said, practice makes perfect.

You cannot achieve perfection though, because there is always room for improvement. If you want to become a professional content writer, you need to practice every day. 

You will notice an improvement in your creativity, content structure, and your style of writing.

Choose a Platform

writing medium

Where do you want to be writing? This is important because people need to identify you with what you do. 

You have an audience you want to communicate with. Where will you find them? Choose a platform that is based on your target, population, and competitive rate.

You can start a blog, which can be on a site like Medium. Make use of social media sites like Facebook, and Instagram to communicate your message. 

Make sure you post consistently on them to establish yourself as an expert.

Choose your Style

Dare to be unique. There are many content writers out there, and if you are not careful, you may find yourself imitating the way they write. 

Don’t get me wrong; it’s good to learn from other writers. But be yourself when you write, and learn to appreciate your style.

Your style differentiates you from other content writers. So, you don’t have to be in an unhealthy competition with other content writers you see. Everyone is unique in their ways, and that’s what makes the difference in creativity.

Pitch Yourself

Seriously, you should be able to put yourself out there. No one is going to do that for you. 

When you find yourself in any gathering, make sure your network and let others know you are a content writer. Doing this will make you get writing offers, in which you will get paid.

Beyond that, apply for internship opportunities to scale up in your content writing career. You will have access to more training that is going to hone your skill and access to more job opportunities.

In addition, offer to write for free sometimes. This will enable you to build a writing portfolio that contains evidence of your work in case of future job opportunities.

What Apps Do You Need To Master How To Use As A Content Writer

  • Design apps, like Canva. 

Get this app for your designs, especially for Instagram posts.

  • Writing Apps, like Google Docs.

Store your ideas on this app.

  • Word Apps, like Grammarly.

This enables correct words and grammar usage.

Get content writing ideas from Google Trends, Quora Digest, and

How To Write A Readable Content 

  • Catchy headline

This captivates the attention of your audience, which might make them want to read further.

  • Powerful introduction line

After your headline, make sure that the first paragraph is also captivating. This will keep your audience glued to your content.

  • Use cliffhangers

When writing, make use of those words that will keep your audience in suspense. So, they wouldn’t have a choice but to continue reading. Examples: “Pay attention to this”, “you know what?”

  • Tell a story

That’s a secret. When you use relatable stories in your content, your audience will find it interesting to always read your posts. A story makes your content easier to read.

  • Space your content

Let there be spaces in your content so that it won’t come out as too complex to read.

  • Use correct words and grammar

Incorrect grammar usage turns readers off. Proofread and ensure that your usage of words and grammar is correct.

Where Can You Get Paid As A Content Writer? 

  • Fiverr
  • Upwork
  • Medium
  • Listverse

There are many sites where you can get paid as a content writer. Make more research on them.

Can you become a content writer with no experience? Absolutely, yes! You just need to learn.

How do you start content writing? Start from what we discussed above and become the content writer you want to be.

Can you make a lot of money as a content writer? Yes. How you earn depends on your level of skills. Hone your skills and become better with each copy you write.

Can you be a content writer as an NYSC Corp Member?

Yes, you can. Writing is something you can do at your leisure. It does not require leaving your Government assigned PPA.  Anytime you are free, check out the notes on your phone and practice away.

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