shine your eye, corper!

Showing You How To Become A Fashion Designer As An NYSC Corper

become a fashion designerCan you show me how to become a fashion designer and what is the job of a fashion designer?

They design and make original outfits professionally. They also have deep knowledge about fashion trends, textures, styles, etc.

Fashion designing is more than just putting pieces of materials together; it requires creativity to deliver a good job.


Choosing a career path in life can be confusing, especially if you are yet to figure it out near the end of your NYSC year. While reflecting on what to do, why not just use that time and learn productive skills like fashion designing?

Fashion designing is a lucrative way of earning money and making you financially independent.

On this note, I would like to share ten ways you can become a fashion designer as a youth corper.

In addition to that,

You’ll know about the following.

  • The Importance of acquiring skills as a youth corper
  • Answers to frequently asked questions
  • Conclusion


What Are The Importance Of Acquiring Skills As An NYSC Corper?

  • It helps you to become self-employed
  • It widens your horizon of learning
  • Reduces the high rate of unemployment
  • Lessens overdependence on white-collar job
  • Enhances the quality of living by becoming financially buoyant


Ten Best Guidelines To Becoming A Fashion Designer As A Youth Corper

Now let’s get down to business.

  • Find out about the industry

As an upcoming fashion designer, you must research the industry you are about to venture into. It is quite a competitive industry that needs extraordinary talents and creativity to scale through.

For better recognition, you have to learn from professionals in the business, either from a fashion house or fashion school.

  • Specialize in one

Generally, fashion designing is of two types; male and female wear. After your findings, choose a particular gender of interest and focus on it.

  • Acquire the skill

Fashion designing is a skill that requires lots of creativity. Knowing how to combine colors and textures, sewing, cutting, and knitting fabrics is important. 

As a youth corper having plans on running a fashion industry requires other business skills like marketing, sales, management, etc. You must be able to balance enthusiasm and business; if not balanced, the odds of making a profit will be poor.

  • Be attentive throughout the training 

Coming out the best from a fashion school or a fashion house solely depends on the level of attention you pay through that training period. No matter how few the details are, give it your overall attention. When you see a piece of fabric, think of creative ways to make It come out top-notch. 

  • Gain experience

You must gain experience if you want your designs to be recognized. For instance, House of Tara, Yomi Casuals, Lanre Da Silva, Mai Atafo, etc. They are well-known Nigerian fashion designers.

Before becoming a famous fashion designer, you must be willing to humble yourself as a trainee or a novice.

Experience is needed before you can run a successful fashion designing business. Having experience with prominent brands will help you make valuable relationships in the industry.


  • Draft out a business plan

Of course, the essence of going into a fashion school or fashion house is to gain experience and make money. You have to think of ways of starting your fashion designing business. 

Drafting out a business plan is not all; there are other factors to consider; 

  • Start-up location. For instance, is it at the center of the city or town?
  • The nature of the road/ transportation 
  • Expenses to encounter 
  • Its future growth in the market 
  • Your competitors 
  • Potential customers, etc 
  • Create a professional profile 

Design your business cards for your customers to tell them you know what you’re doing. Also, your profile can include other things like jobs you have done before, projects given to you in a fashion school or fashion house, personal designs, etc. 


  • Begin to market your business

There are different ways of showcasing your business to the world. This is where the business skills you acquired along the line are required.

  • Be aware of trends in the market

Social media has made the promotion of business easy. The fashion industry trends in almost all the social media platforms and help fashion designers know the latest updates on fashions. 

As an NYSC corper aspiring to become a fashion designer, being in the camp doesn’t limit you from posting your designs online. 

Be competitive and strategic because fashion is not static. It changes. For instance, in the nineties, the palazzo was seen as old-fashioned, but now it’s popular among the female gender.

  • Client/customer relationship

Building a solid relationship with your potential customers matters a lot. Clients are one of the factors needed for growth in the business. 

The NYSC camps make this quite easy: you will come across different people and learn how to interact with all.

Answers To Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create time for this as a youth corper?

The National Youth Service Corps is just for one year. You can register into the fashion house or school and attend twice or thrice a week. 

Which is best, a fashion school or a fashion house?

The two are good. But it’s said that fashion houses are more expensive because they design and sell high fashion apparel and accessories.

How much does it cost to learn fashion designing?

The cost of learning fashion design differs. It is more like a level-by-level kind of stuff. For instance, some fashion houses or schools are expensive, while some are cheap and affordable. If you choose to learn via the NYSC SAED program, you should be able to get a discount from your tutor.

How can I save as an NYSC corper to learn this skill?

Saving as a corper is not easy, but you can achieve your goals with determination.

The Conclusion

Becoming a fashion designer is a unique opportunity to show your creativity and the pride that comes when you see what you have created and worn by people.

One thing you should know is that the fashion industry is competitive. Success as a youth corper takes lots of determination and hard work.

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