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How To Make Aloe Vera Oil At Home

Making aloe vera oil at home allows you to create a natural product, many of which can be used in a variety of skin care application. Enjoy the process and benefits of making your own aloe vera oil.

Equipment needed to make aloe vera oil.

  • Aloe vera leaves
  • Knife
  • Blender or Food processor
  • Carrier oil
  • Glass jar
  • Cheesecloth
  • Dark-colored glass bottles

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  • Fresh aloe vera leaves
  • Carrier oil (such as coconut, olive or almond oil)

Step-by-step guide on how to make aloe vera oil.

  • Select fresh, healthy aloe vera leaves (look for leaves that are plump and free of blemishes or damage).
  • Rinse the aloe vera leaves with cold water to remove any dirty or debris.
  • Dry with clean towels.
  • Carefully cut the edges of the aloe vera leaves with a sharp knife.
  • Then cut the leaves lengthwise to reveal the gel inside.
  • Remove the gel from the leaves with a spoon or knife.
  • Place the gel in a clean dry glass jar.
  • Next, choose a carrier oil for your aloe infusion (coconut oil, olive oil, and almond oil are popular choices)
  • Pour the oil over the aloe vera gel in the gel and make sure the gel is completely covered with oil.
  • Close the container tightly and shake well to mix the aloe vera gel and oil.
  • Place the container in a warm, sunny location, such as windowsill, where it will stay for 3-4 weeks.
  • Gently shake the jar daily to aid the infusion process.
  • After 3 to 4 weeks, strain the oil through a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth into a clean container to remove any remaining aloe vera.

Your homemade aloe vera oil is now ready to use!


  • Store aloe vera oil in a cool, dark place at home.
  • Use the infused oil for skin care, such as moisturizing the skin, soothing minor burns and irritations, or as a massage oil.


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