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Lady In Tears As Husband Infects Her With H!V

A lady has shared the heart-wrenching story of how her promiscuous husband infected her with HIV.

She bemoaned that her life and that of her unborn child have been ruined by him in a lengthy post she shared on Facebook.

The lady disclosed that she discovered that she tested positive when she went for her routine check up.

This left her devastated as she broke down in tears.

“My husband has ruined my life. I’m pregnant. I went for check up nd was tested positive for hiv, I almost passed out. Have never cheated on my husband. So where could I have got contact with him.

“I cried and managed to go home. I asked my husband if he is cheating on me, he said no, I didn’t tell him anything. I find excuse to make him follow me to d hospital. D doctor tested him and it came out positive. I fainted!!

“Some hours later I woke up. I saw my hubby beside me crying. He confessed to me dat he is having an affair with his working mate. I cry out tears,” she bemoaned.

Continuing, she added:

“U didn’t ruin my life alone, u also ruined my unborn baby life. Despite all my doing, though I’m pregnant but anytime dis man need me I’m always available.

“Anytime I cook for him nd remember what he did to me. I just feel like putting poison in his food nd just die. What have I done to deserve this.”

On account of this, she sought advice from fellow mothers on how best to handle her situation.

Hear her: “Mummies wat should I do. I trusted him but he ruined my life totally. I just feel like killing him. I’m more worried about my unborn baby. I will be given birth very soon.”

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