shine your eye, corper!

Prepare For Life After NYSC Like A Conqueror

Preparing For Life After NYSC

Have you ever thought of how best to ensure financial security during life after NYSC?

Imagine yourself going down this path, this life after NYSC. Probably you are done with the one-year mandatory service, preparing, or still in service. 

Then the question of how will I go down this road? starts popping into your head. Followed by hours of thinking of feasible solutions on how to cope with this reality staring at you, this life after NYSC.

In this post, I will show you the steps to follow to ensure financial security during life after NYSC.


You’ll also discover‌: 

  • The factors contributing to lack of financial security during life after NYSC
  • 5 cues on how to overcome lack of financial security during life after NYSC
  • Answers to frequently asked questions 
  • And Conclusion.

Now, let’s get down to business.

For beginners, 

The Factors Contributing To Lack Of Financial Security During Life After NYSC

  • Lack of good opportunities and poor finances 

The opportunity they say comes but once what if there was none? Some potentials are going down the drain because of a lack of good opportunities and poor finances.

We live in a society where opinions don’t matter. It is no longer about who has the highest degree but who knows somebody. 

  • Overdependence on white-collar jobs

This is the problem of most Nigerian graduates, the harsh truth is that not everybody will eventually get a white-collar job. Some people will end up being self-employed while some won’t even get a job at all.

  • Lack of sensitization 

Creating awareness should be the utmost priority of the government for the youth corpers. Sixty-eight percent of Nigerian graduates don’t even have any knowledge of the realities of life after NYSC. Seminars should be organized on community development services for the youth corpers and how they can cope with the issue of unemployment.

  • Lack of a good idea

Some graduates don’t even have an idea to present to the company that they intend to work for. How can they move forward? It’s not possible.

  • Inadequate provision of skill acquisition centers by the government.

To be honest, Nigeria is lagging when it comes to youth development programs and skills acquisition centers.  It is worthy to note that the government has only a few skill acquisition centers while others are owned by private individuals and are highly expensive.

These factors can serve as a hindrance to living a good financial life after the National Youth Service Corps.

Let’s move on, 

Showing 10 Things You Need To Do During Life After NYSC To Guarantee Financial Stability

I will walk you through:

  • Acquire a skill

Truth be told this is the first thing to do during life after NYSC. It may sound absurd, but it’s the truth. Getting a white-collar job immediately after youth service might seem impossible, therefore you need something to fall back on. Learning a skill is the best thing you can give yourself as a young graduate. Don’t look down on it. 

Then again:

  • Improve Yourself 

Look at it this way, you’re just fresh out of youth service with no plan, no money, nothing nothing. Then you ask yourself what will I do with my life after NYSC?. You can start by reading books on career choice, self-improvement, motivation, spirituality, and books on how to become successful in business.

Don’t just sit down and fold your hands build yourself.

  • Draft out a business plan

Yes, you can do it. Don’t belittle your ability, that dream business you have been harboring in your mind for a long time. Start making plans on how to bring it to pass. You might be discouraged along the line because of financial issues but continue to strive because hard work, they say, pays.

The NYSC body also has a loan facility for copper, learn more here.

  • Set realistic goals.

Think about it. Where do you want to be in the next five years? Life after NYSC can be hard sometimes, your decisions at this stage can either make or mar your future.

 I know it might sound harsh, but you wouldn’t want to disappoint yourself and the people that contributed to your education. That’s more reason you should set goals that are more realistic. 

Here’s another kicker:

  • Forge ahead with your education 

For instance, no knowledge is a waste. This is for those people that are career herded, who want to move higher in their studies either by getting a degree in Ph.D. or MSC programs. Browse through the internet to see the best schools that can offer you what you are looking for.

However, it is not compulsory rather, it is a matter of choice and finances. 

  • Be positive

It’s easier than you think. Don’t follow the crowd and proclaim negativity. You’re different. Give yourself hope for better days ahead. It might sound awkward, but it’s the truth. Life after NYSC is real and not that bad if the right decision is made.

Moving on:

  • Build good relationships

It’s simple, make friends with people from different ethnic groups and caliber.

Don’t be an introverted extrovert. Meet new people and don’t move with the same cycle of friends that has not added any value to your life. 

The connection you make during life after NYSC matters a lot. For instance, you are looking for a job. There is a high chance of getting that job if you have the right connection with people. You don’t know who knows somebody that knows somebody that can help you. Listen! I’m eighty percent sure of this.

Think about this.

  • Be self-employed 

This is one of the best decisions you can take as a graduate. No matter how small the capital is, start with it. Don’t rely on the government, they are time wasters.

  • Learn the digital skill

It’s simple, and the Internet has made it so. All you have to do is go online, search for free online digital courses, choose a particular field of interest, and get the certification at the end of the program. No stress, just you with your Android device. The wealth created through affiliate marketing is unimaginable.

Now make it happen.

  • Take the risk

This might sound weird, but taking risks scares some of us. For instance, you have a business idea and the resources to go into that business, but you’re scared of the business not being successful when you haven’t started it. Take the risk and see where it goes.

5 Cues On How To Ensure Financial Security During Life After NYSC

Let’s dive in.

Save for rainy days

I know you’re thinking, how can this be possible? But it’s very much possible.

Save a little out of the monthly allowance, even if it is five percent.


Find yourself

For what it’s worth, find your inbuilt potential. You’re the one to choose the path that will lead you to greatness all by yourself.


Live a healthy lifestyle

Eat good food and stay healthy. 

Take good care of your body. Good health is wealth.


Don’t stay idle

Seriously, it is better to look for menial jobs than stay ideal. Being idle can lead to depression which sometimes leads to suicide. 

For instance, you can take up a teaching job until you find the job that you have dreamed about. An idle mind is a devil’s workshop. Don’t be a victim.


Believe it or not, you need a plan. Plan so that you won’t fail. Write down those things you want to achieve and execute ways to make it happen.

These cues, if followed, will surely be a great guide in ensuring financial security during life after NYSC.

Answers To Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What can I do to cope with the pressure of unemployment?

Relax and find yourself first. Pray for discernment to know which path you should go in life. Truth be told it’s not everybody that will get a white-collar job. So take your time and decide what to do with your life.

Q. Should I look for work immediately after-service?

Yes, you can, though it’s a matter of choice. Some will say they want to take a year off before going into the marketplace in search of a job. But if you know you’re ready to search for a job then do it. Submit necessary documents to offices and companies.

Q. Which business should I venture into?

You can venture into any business of your choice if you have the resources or mechanism(funding) then map out a business plan. 

The End

In all, life after NYSC is not a bed of roses. Only those who are strong-willed can survive the year after NYSC.

Imagine what it will be like, when those who promised you a job or even financial assistance fail you, then it becomes a wake-up call for you to strive and ensure financial security for yourself.




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