shine your eye, corper!

NYSC; What Is The History Of This Grand Scheme?


We all have been hearing about NYSC but do not know how it all started. Have you ever thought about who birthed the idea of NYSC? When did it start? What are its objectives? These were the questions I asked myself before I decided to do research on it and also share the idea.


If you find yourself asking these questions then today is your lucky day. In this article, you’ll get to know the history of NYSC, its actual date of creation, who came up with the idea, and lots more.


I see someone eagerly reading! I trust you’re ready to see some great stuff! Let’s go!

History Of NYSC

This is a compulsory one-year program created during the military regime by late General Yakubu Gowon on May 22nd, 1973. The whole idea of NYSC was to foster unity and peaceful coexistence among the youths of the country. 


Aside from the aspect of unity and coexistence, the government at that time saw the need to involve the youths in the nation’s development process. The first Director-General of NYSC was Ahmadu Aliyu. He served from 1973 to 1975.


In current scenarios happening in the country, a lot of people would conclude that the government has no plans for the youths whatsoever. But from what we can see now, we would come to a reasonable conclusion that the government has us in mind and that is through the NYSC.


Now, so many youths sometimes want to run away from civic duty and at the same time want a change in the country. Honestly speaking, if you want to be a part of the development process of the country then you should participate in this program. 


I believe now you know the history of NYSC. It would be unwise to look at this alone, next we would be looking at the mode of operation.

NYSC Mode of Operation/Eligibility

The ways by which NYSC operates are not a strict level as its basis of creation is for unity and peaceful existence among people. Therefore, why should they make it difficult for PCMs? 


  • It is a program that would last for one year.
  • You are expected to complete your registrations before reporting to the orientation camp.
  • You must be done with tertiary education from a university or polytechnic.
  • On arrival at the camp, there would be a compulsory 3 weeks orientation program for all corp members.
  • After the orientation camp, you would be posted to your place of primary assignment
  • After completing your service program, there would be a passing out ceremony and that’s where you would collect your NYSC discharge certificate.


Note: there is a stipulated amount of money allocated to corpers every month popularly called Alawee! This is just to assist in your upkeep during your years as a corper.


To be eligible for service, you must not be above 30 years of age and must show proof that you have completed your tertiary education. It is that easy! No stress!

Objectives Of NYSC


Discipline is one of the core values of NYSC. What is an institution without discipline? And we can see from the behavioral practices of some youths these days that are not appealing. In other words, this is a way to imbibe discipline into the youths.


From the training you’d be receiving from one year, if you do not come out possessing good morals then it’s becoming something different. This is also a core value of NYSC as we are ambassadors of Nigeria and it would be right to go out there and display good moral values.

Self Reliance

By going through the one-year program, you’d be faced with a lot of hurdles, and also you will see a different view of life. I got exposed to a lot at the camp so it was a tool of assistance to me. It helped me to rely on myself to get things done correctly even without external supervision.

Economic Growth

Being that they want the youths to be a part of the nation’s building. They are ensuring that they prepare the youths on ways by which they can contribute to the growth and development of the country at large.


The campground has different people coming from different locations, backgrounds, and ethnic views coming together to cohabit and make things work between themselves. Unity is fostered through this and it will help in building a better country.


Having seen all of these, you now know about the history of NYSC and the reasons behind its creation.



I know you would be very happy to have read this. I am also happy that you now have in-depth information about NYSC’s history. Catch you in the next post! And if you’re a prospective corp member, I wish you a successful service year ahead.


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