shine your eye, corper!

What Is The NYSC Request Letter?

NYSC request letter

Do you want to know how to compose the best NYSC request letter? 

Search no more! You’ve found what you’re looking for.

In this article, you will get to know what the NYSC request letter is all about. You will also know the instances where the letter is required. You will also discover how to write the letter in an acceptable format as an organization agent or as a corps member. 

Happy to hear that? Let’s roll!

What is the NYSC Request Letter?

An NYSC Request Letter is a letter written to the NYSC board to request the service of a corps member. 

An organization’s representative can write this letter to request the service of corps members. Corps members intending to work in a particular organization can also write this letter.

Contents Of NYSC Request Letter 

There are important patterns to follow while writing a request letter to NYSC. These patterns include:   

  • Your organization’s address or your address. You should include your address if you’re writing as an individual.
  • Address of NYSC Administrative Board.
  • The Introductory Paragraph must contain a brief introduction of the organization in question. It can also be a brief introduction of yourself if you’re writing as an individual. The following sentences should state your request and the main purpose of the letter.
  • The concluding paragraph should contain a polite call to action statement. It should express your anticipation for a favorable response as soon as possible.
  • You must input your contact details in the letter. It can be your phone number or email address to aid swift response.

The Do’s And Don’ts Of NYSC Request Letter

It is important to note that the NYSC Request Letter is for two major sets of people. The first set is corpers looking to get posted to an organization for their primary assignment. 

The other set is organization managers looking to get corp members posted to their organization. 

As a corps member bidding to be posted to a certain organization, you might not get a positive response. This is because NYSC will have to verify if the organization requires your service.

It is not advisable to write a letter to the NYSC administration as an individual. You should seek the official permission of the organization you intend to work for.

You need to get your request letter from the organization. Then submit the letter to the NYSC State administrative office. 

The security and well-being of Corps members are very essential to NYSC administration. That is why they don’t post any of their members to organizations that are not recognized by the government.

another thing is…

Companies looking to hire corp members must be registered under the government. 

As an organization manager, you should not include the name of any corps member in your letter if you do not know any. Do well to highlight the specific number of corpers you need in your organization in your request letter.

Important Tips To Consider While Writing NYSC Request Letter

The NYSC Request Letter is an official letter, so it must be written in a formal format. Note that the article must be informal language.


The Letter must be brief. You don’t need to include all sorts of unnecessary details while writing the letter. Do not beat about the bush. Be as explicit as possible. 

Grammatical correctness

Grammatical errors in your request letter leave you a bad first impression. It also shows a lack of professionalism. 

It also reduces the chances of getting approval for your request. Ensure your letter is error-free. You should also make sure all your spellings are correct before submitting them. 

Address it to the right quarters

Your letter must be sent to the appropriate quarters. Addressing your request letter to the wrong location affects your chances of approval. Ensure your request letter is addressed to the NYSC administrative board.

Be compelling

Make use of compelling words. The purpose of writing the letter is to persuade the NYSC management to approve your request. You must make use of a compelling and polite writing style if you’ll have your request approved. 


Use the organization’s letter-headed paper if you’re writing on behalf of an organization. If you’re writing as an individual, then you should use an A4 paper. 

Benefits of NYSC Request Letters For Organizations

Are you looking to recruit fresh graduates to your organization? You can make use of the service year of these graduates while they’re serving their fatherland.

Get corp members to work for your organization by writing a letter to the NYSC administrative board. You can then select skillful personnel with vast knowledge from any part of the nation.

Most of these graduates are very energetic. They are committed and teachable. They bring a lot of creativity and innovation to the table.

Also, they are very knowledgeable about brainstorming for new business ideas. Their level of commitment and enthusiasm is unbeatable. They have a strong competitive spirit and a drive to be excellent at all times. 

This is the best time to hire some personnel to fill some internship positions in your organization.  


Having gone through this article, I believe you now know the important tip to composing an NYSC request letter. Whether you’re writing as an individual or on behalf of a business enterprise. 

You will get a positive response to your letter.

I hope you found the educational information in this article helpful. I wish you the best and I hope you get posted to your preferred location for your primary assignment.


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