shine your eye, corper!

All You Need To Know About NYSC SAED Program

nysc saed program
As a prospective corp member, you need to be well informed about this NYSC SAED program. Why? It is to take advantage of the scheme when you begin your service year.

The NYSC SAED acronym stands for NYSC Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurial Development. And it is a new department of NYSC whose goal is to make unemployed Nigerian youths self-employed or even employers of labor.

Here is a highlight of what you will learn in this piece.

  • What is the SAED vision statement?
  • What is the SAED mission statement?
  • List of skills acquisition programs available under the NYSC SAED programs
  • How to register for SAED Training.
  • FAQs about SAED Scheme.

Revealing The NYSC SAED Vision Statement

Here you go:

“To develop a culture of self-reliance in our youth by equipping them with the skill for sustainable job creation towards National Development.”

To break it down simply, a vision statement simply refers to the long-term goal of a decision, enterprise, or project. A vision statement is what we envisioned to achieve after a long period.

Here, this vision statement is the long-term goal envisioned and objectively worked towards by the SAED department of the NYSC scheme.

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What Is The NYSC SAED Mission Statement?

Check it out:

“To create a platform that will facilitate access to young graduates to requisite skills and resources necessary for successful entrepreneurship to enhance National Development.”

A mission statement states the short-term goal of a decision, enterprise, or project. 

The desire to meet the demand of this mission statement is the reason the SAED team will execute the sensitization, skill acquisition, and training activities for every corp member;

And these activities are starting right away from each state camping ground through to the post-camp period of the service year.

NYSC SAED Vision and Mission Statement Comparison

In summary:

The SAED mission statement is said to be fulfilled, starting from each state’s camping ground to post-camp periods, when the sensitization, skill acquisition, and training activities are conducted efficiently and effectively.

While the vision statement is said to be fulfilled when almost everyone who was once a corp member across the country is being equipped with one entrepreneurial skill or the other and can thus make a decent living as a self-employed or employer of labor.

What Are The Skills Acquisition Programs Under NYSC SAED Program?

The following is the list of the fields of skill from which you can choose your desired one in the orientation camp.

  • #1 Agro-allied

Here, you’ll be taught skills in various agricultural-related professions like rearing fishes, poultry, snails, etc.

  • #2 Automobile

Here, you’ll learn skills in driving as a profession.

  • #3 Beautification

In this section, you’ll be introduced and given skills on how to beautify the environment with ornamental plants, landscaping, etc.

  • #4 Construction

In this section, you’ll be introduced and given skills in the brick-laying profession, carpentering, etc.

  • #5 Cosmetology

You’ll be introduced to, and be given, skills in the makeup profession as well as skills in making hairstyles.

  • #6 Culture and Tourism

You’ll be taught how to generate income with your acquired knowledge of culture and tourism.

  • #7 Education

In this section, they teach skills on basic teaching tactics and how to make a business out of them.

  • #8. Environment

Here, you’ll learn skills on how to handle some environmental challenges—like waste management, real estate management, draftsmanship, etc—as well as how to make a business out of them.

  • #9 Film and photography

In this section, you’ll learn skills on the technicalities of handling cameras, making camera shots, as well as skills in making video records.

  • #10 Food processing/preservation

In this section, you’ll be introduced to, and be given skills, in preparing and preserving edibles like snacks and beverages.

  • #11 IT

In this section, interested corps members would be introduced to, and given skills, in the various computer and internet-related professions like phone repairs, digital designs, website designs, etc

  • #12 Power and Energy

This section teaches interested corps members the skills in house wiring, building solar, and connecting solar panels.

NYSC SAED Progress/Results

In 2014, the scheme trained 159,732 corps members in total. And has trained over 900000 corps members in total since its inception.

Out of the total number of trained corps members, over 2,288 had been full-time entrepreneurs.

How to Register for SAED Training

To register for your SAED program, choose from the many partners of SAED that have been helping to enhance the impact of the program by providing training platforms in various available skills.

One of the many partners is the SAEDConect. SAEDConnect signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the SAED scheme in 2016.

So, you can reliably go to register for your SAED with the SAEDConnect.

Here is how you’ll register under SAEDConnect:

  • #1 First: log on to their official website, the SAEDConnect portal
  • #2 Second: go to sign up, fill out the registration form and confirm your email address.
  • #3 Third: go to “learn a skill.”
  • #4 Fourth: put in the location and the model. Then choose a skill.
  • #5 Finally: follow other instructions on the screen to register for your SAED program.

Answers To FAQ(s) About SAED Scheme

Is NYSC SAED Compulsory?

The Skill Acquisition program of the NYSC is not made mandatory for corps members.

This is because taking or not taking the exercise has no repercussions on the successful completion of your service year. But some other exercises do—like your monthly clearance or attendance in your PPA.

However, the program is very necessary…

Because this is the way the NYSC has discovered so far to influence the federal government’s decision toward helping Nigerian youths to become self-employed at the end of their service year.

So, in one way or the other, use this opportunity made available by the NYSC scheme.

What Is The NYSC SAED Anthem?

If for one reason or the other, you might need to have the lyrics of the SAED song to yourself, check it out below.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step 2x

All of us in unity will fight unemployment  2x 

Through Skill Acquisition development 2x

Be wise and be a part of it 2x

chorus: To Unemployment  

SAED is the answer …

Be wise and be a part of it…”


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