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PiggyVest Interest Rate Per Month

PiggyVest offers interest rates on savings and investments that vary depending on the type of product you choose and market conditions. There are up to five products PiggyVest offers interests to customers. They are Flex Naira, PiggyBank, Safelock, Target Savings, and Flex Dollar.

The following are the interest rates per month for the products mentioned above.

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  • Flex Naira – is a cash account that keeps funds for emergencies. Its interest rate per month is 0.08 and 8% p.a
  • PiggyBank – Interest rate is currently 10% p.a and is calculated daily for every month
  • SafeLock-  is a short time investment feature that allows you to earn interest upfront when you lock away a portion of your savings for a fixed period. The interest rate ranges from 6-3% p.a
  • Target Savings – can be personal target or group target and the interest rate is 9% p.a
  • Flex Dollar – interest rate is at 7.0% p.a

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs )

How does PiggyVest pay interest?

  • Target Savings -interest is accrued daily, shows on your target dashboard, and is paid at the end of the target.
  • Flex Naira- for flex naira, interest are accrued daily, reflects on your Flex dashboard and is paid on the first day of a new month.
  • SafeLock- interest is paid upfront into your Flex account and you can access it immediately for free.
  • Piggybank- interest is accrued daily on your balance, and paid monthly.

What if I don’t want an interest?

If you don’t want to earn interest on your savings, you can disable it by simply logging into your app, going to Account and clicking the Interest Enable on Savings button


PiggyVest interest rates can range from 6% to 13% per annum and calculate interest daily. It is important to note that rates are subject to change at any time without prior notice. For further enquiries visit their official Twitter page, Instagram page and Facebook page or email them or call their phone number on 0700933933933.




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