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Shea Butter and Bitter Kola For Breast Enlargement

Surprised right?

Let’s take a quick dive to see how this works.
Shea butter, derived from the shea tree in East and West tropical Africa, and bitter kola (Garcinia Kola), a popular nut in West Africa, are believed to have various effects on humans. So what are the components in shea butter and bitter kola that makes them cause an increase in breast size?

According to research, some young girls applied a mixture of shea butter and bitter kola to their breast every morning for about eight weeks. There was no noticeable increase in the breast.

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So you see, a combination of Shea butter and bitter kola powder isn’t going to help you grow bigger breasts. Breast size is determined by genetics and hormonal factors.

If you desire bigger breasts, go for breast augmentation surgery instead of relying on Shea butter and bitter kola as they won’t deliver the desired results, even with daily massages.


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