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Simple Steps to Make Homemade Soya Milk Drink

Everyone craves for a nutritious drink like soya milk, particularly those who dislike the taste of cow’s milk or are trying to avoid dairy. The drink is mostly used as a beverage which is served hot as tea for breakfast or cold, when sweetened.

It is the best protein source as it has well balanced amino acid levels than other vegetable sources. It also contains essential fatty acids, amino acids like lysine and methionine, fibre, vitamins and minerals. This nutritious value it offers is highly essential for kids and patients with diabetes.

Soya milk can be made from your home as it doesn’t require too much expertise. Once you know the ingredients to use, you’re obviously good to go.

Ingredients/Kitchen Tools to use

  1. Soya beans.
  2. Heavy-duty blender.
  3. Water.
  4. Cheesecloth or strainer.
  5. Bowl.
  6. Gas or stove.
  7. Spoon.
  8. Pot.
  9. Sugar, honey or any other sweetener.

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Steps On How To Make Soya Milk Drink

Follow the steps below to make soya milk drink:

Step 1

Soak your soybeans with water for 6 to 8 hours.

Step 2

After 8 hours, take out the water and rinse the soya beans.

Step 3

Pick your soya beans in sections and rub between your palms to remove its skin (just like you remove the skin of beans for moi moi or akara).

Step 4

After you have finished removing the skin of your soybeans, rinse it.

Step 5

Transfer the soya beans to a heavy-duty blender.

Step 6

Then, add water (the water should be in the same proportion with the soya beans).

Step 7

Blend until it becomes smooth.

Step 8

Place your strainer or cheesecloth on a bowl and pour the blended mixture.

Step 9

If you are using a cheesecloth, squeeze out the milk by twisting the ends of your cheesecloth and use a spoon to press the milk out if you’re using a strainer.

Step 10

Pour away the shaft left in your cheesecloth or strainer.

Step 11

Heat your pot on a gas or stove (low to medium heat is required).

Step 12

Pour the milk extracted from your soybeans into the heated pot and boil for 10 to 15 mins.

Step 13

Stir continuously while it is cooking to avoid lumps.

Step 14

Turn off the heat and strain the milk again to remove any lumps that may have developed while it was cooking.

Step 15

Add sugar or any sweetener of your choice (this is optional because the soya milk is already sweet).

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