shine your eye, corper!

Ranking The 10 Worst NYSC Camps In Nigeria In No Particular Order

10 Worst NYSC Orientation Camps In Nigeria (Updated List)

Wouldn’t it be great if you can learn about the  10 worst NYSC camps in Nigeria?

In that case, you have found yourself on the best page on the internet as I will be showing you the updated list of the 10 worst NYSC camps in Nigeria.


You’ll also learn about the following:

  • The factors influencing the list of the worst NYSC camps.
  • 5 tips on how to survive at the worst NYSC camps in Nigeria.
  • Answers to frequently asked questions
  • And the conclusion.

With that said, let’s dig a little deeper.

For starters;

The Factors Influencing The List Of The Worst NYSC Camps

  1. Inadequate accommodation facilities;
  2. Bribery and corruption
  3. Inadequate security system
  4. Mismanagement of funds 
  5. Lack of healthcare facilities
  6. Poor environmental sanitation

These are the major factors contributing to the list of the worst NYSC orientation camps in Nigeria.


Revealing 10 Worst NYSC Camps In Nigeria

  • Benue State

The issue that is of most concern with this Orientation camp is gross insecurity. 

Think I’m exaggerating? but Benue is among the States that have the worst National Youth Orientation camps. 

Truth be told, the unnecessary bloodshed that is caused by local farmers and Fulani herdsmen has made the state a discouraging place to serve.

This clash has been going on for the past four to five years though efforts have been made by the state government  to restore peace in the state. But according to others, the capital (Makurdi), is safe to an extent.

  • Okada NYSC Orientation Camp

Some Time ago I heard a story of how this orientation camp lecture hall collapsed, injuring youth corners, just imagine!. The only good thing is that no life was lost. 

That’s not all. The terrible state of the camp is not promising. For instance, no window, light, good water supply, and no conducive environment. Let’s not stress it, it’s nothing to write home about.

  • Rivers State NYSC camp

Let me be honest with you, as you are visiting the camp for the first time, don’t be shocked, it looks like a cattle-rearing area. Then again, the entrance gate is tuckered out. The security men do not monitor the movement that occurs in the camp.

And it doesn’t stop there, the boarding house is filled with unwanted grass and the embankments are depleted screaming for severe scrutiny. Also, the kitchen and toilet environment is an unhygienic place to be in.

  • Cross River State orientation camp

Unfortunately, those who have served in this state complained of the misery it takes to get portable water in the camp. Talking of hygiene, the bathroom they say is a no-go area. For instance, the alternative will be a makeshift system like those used in rural areas. 

Serving in this state is like living a life of repeated cycle because nothing interesting is going on in the camp. For instance, a youth corper complained of an abnormal menstrual cycle due to the bad state of the toilet.

  • Delta State NYSC orientation camp

Remembering passing through this State during the rainy season, we had to pass through one village because of the traffic at the Niger bridge. The village rivers were overflowing, we then had to turn back and take the bridge. 

Now picture this as a youth corper serving in this State. There is a threat to life because they are just coming there for the first time, mainly those deployed to the riverine region. Monthly payments or should I say salary is not enough because that area is cost. 

  • Ekiti State NYSC Camp

This state they say just keeps your existence on wait. Complaints have been made that there is no trace of alternatives available for service youth corpers. Let me guess, you won’t be happy going. 

  • Abia State NYSC camp

Just imagine you are posted to a state where they tell you they do eat human beings, within a second your thinking faculty will just change and honestly, you won’t be comfortable going there. Abia Orientation camp is not that safe. Especially villages like Isiala Ngwa. Supposedly, this eating of human beings has been going on for over thirty years.

Want to know more? These proclamations are not rumors, therefore making the youth corpers posted there feel unsafe. 

  • Kaduna State Camp

Honestly‌, I can’t imagine going to the NYSC orientation camp in this state. It’s extremely an unsafe place to serve, though some say it has a lot of opportunity and exposure. 

Youth corpers are therefore in constant danger because of the high rate of insecurity going on in this state. For instance, Bandits and Boko Haram. The sad truth in this State NYSC is that the regional government pays only just three thousand to the youth corpers which does not cover their feeding expenses for a week.

  • Sokoto State NYSC Orientation camp

The NYSC orientation camp in Sokoto is nothing to write home about.  Security Bacall in this state has worsened over the years, therefore, endangering the lives of the youth corpers. 

  • Kogi State Orientation Camp

Believe it or not, this state is relatively hot, and the heat was worst. Imagine enduring this for a whole three weeks, not encouraging at all. 

Also, the hostels provided to the corper were bad, and a story was told about how some corners fell from the shabby bunk. 

Sadly, no toilet, so you’re left with only one option that’s running to the bush. This is dangerous for the female corps because reap can easily occur. Then what will become their faith? They have to suffer stigmatization for a long time.

5 Tips On How To Survive At The Worst NYSC Camps In Nigeria

So check this out:

Go to the orientation camp early

Aware of the saying ” a stitch in time saves nine”. Don’t be like those that go to the NYSC orientation camp late and start running up and down. Go early so you can settle down before any activities start.

And remember, 

Take enough cash with you

The money, they say, answereth all things. Having enough cash will make your stay in the camp a whole lot easier.

Make new friends

This is easier than you think. Making new friends gives you a sense of belonging because you’re just coming there for the first time. Don’t isolate yourself.

Pack all the necessary stuff

For instance, toiletries, disinfectants, mosquito nets, bedspread, plates, cups, snacks, white socks, cutlery, and white sneakers. These are crucial things you need for easy survival in the orientation camp.

Don’t be extravagant in spending

And remember, avoid any kind of unnecessary spending don’t say I want to flex my life unless you can afford it. Trust me, you need money at the end of the camp.

Another thing is to be careful with soldiers. You do not want to get on their bad side.

Answers To Frequently Asked Questions 

Which state has the best accommodation for the NYSC orientation camp?

  1. Lagos state
  2. Osun state
  3. Ogun state 

Is it true that Lagos state pays the highest allowance to corpers?

Yes! because they have several means of income because of their high industrial capacity and are also the most populated city in Nigeria.

What do I pack and for how long?

The NYSC orientation camp lasts for three weeks. See this detailed guide on how to prepare for orientation camp for an extensive guide.

And you need basic things like mosquito nets, power bank, toiletries, sweatshirt in case of cold, casual wear, white socks, white sneakers, torchlight, passport as much as possible, photocopies of your certificates, bedsheets, etc but most importantly pack wisely. 

How to behave in the camp?

Be accommodating, take part in given tasks, and above all be security conscious.

The End

To sum this up:

It’s quite noticeable that these ten worst NYSC orientation camps have something in common. For instance, absence of opportunity, boredom, dryness, dilapidated toilets, bad bunks, and insecurity mainly in States like Kaduna, Sokoto, etc.

Want to know a secret?

NYSC is undoubtedly the time feared by a large number of Nigerian graduates. Experience has proven these to be true.

The cool thing is that the NYSC orientation camp is not for a lifetime but just three weeks, I guess that is an enduring right?. Trust me it’s, be calm and before you know what’s going on the three weeks have ended.

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