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Adsterra Vs AdSense

Choosing the right advertising website can make all the difference for website owners and publishers looking to monetize their content effectively.

In this comparison, we’ll delve into the dynamic world of digital marketing and explore the differences between Adsterra and AdSense, helping you make well-informed decisions that align with your advertising aspirations.


This is a global advertising network that offers a variety of ad types such as pop-ups, push notifications, display banners, direct links and more. Adsterra provides advertisers with the opportunity to monetize their website or app by displaying the advertiser’s ads in exchange for revenue.

Also, it offers flexible payment options and accepts most websites, including adult content.

How to use Adsterra

There are several important steps to using Adsterra to monetize your website or promote your products and services.

  1. Start by creating an account on the Adsterra website.
  2. If you are the publisher, submit your website for approval.
  3. Choose Ad formats (text ads, pop-ups, direct links, video ads, and more).
  4. Create advertising policies.
  5. Track your ad performance from Adsterra’s user-friendly dashboard.
  6. Get paid (you can use Paypal, bank transfer, Bitcoin, etc.)

7. Optimize and scale.

Note: Whether you’re an advertiser looking to make money from your site or an advertiser looking to promote your product or service, Adsterra has many tools and resources to help you achieve your best advertising goals.

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AdSense is Google’s advertising platform that allows website owners and advertisers to display targeted ads on their websites. It focuses solely on content advertising. This means that the advertising message is related to the content of the web page.

AdSense offers different ad types such as classified ads, banner ads and rich ads. It offers detailed analysis and performance reporting, allowing advertisers to track revenue and optimize ad space.

How to Use AdSense


  • Register the AdSense account on the AdSense website
  • Once your website is approved, you can create ad placements in your AdSense account (Google offers different types of ads such as display ads, affiliate links and matched content).
  • To avoid copyright infringement, make sure your website complies with Google’s content policies and guidelines.
  • Use your AdSense dashboard to track your ad performance, including metrics like clicks, impressions, click-through rate (CTR), and revenue.
  • Depending on your earnings, AdSense will pay you according to the payment schedule and method.

When comparing Adsterra vs AdSense

  • AdSense has a stricter approval process and not all sites will be accepted. Adsterra tends to have a loser approval process.
  • AdSense has higher earning potential than Adsterra due to its large number of advertisers.
  • AdSense has strict controls to ensure that ads are effective and relevant to users. Although Adsterra strives to provide effective advertising, some users may find that certain types of advertising, such as pop-in ads, interrupt or interfere with their browsing experience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Adsterra Vs AdSense

What is the difference between Adsterra and AdSense?

Adsterra is a self-service ad network while AdSense is an advertising program offered by Google.

Do they offer different targeting options?

AdSense primarily uses contextual targeting, matching ads to the content of the webpage. Adsterra offers both contextual and audience targeting options, allowing advertisers to reach specific demographics.


Choosing between Adsterra and AdSense depends on your website niche, traffic volume, preferred ad type, and revenue goals. It may be worth trying both platforms or asking for feedback from other publishers in your industry to decide which one best suits your needs.


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