shine your eye, corper!

How To Make Carrot Oil

Have you ever wanted to benefit from the natural goodness of carrots in your skincare routine? Making your carrot oil is a simple and effective process that allows you to create a
rich oil right in your kitchen.

Let’s dive into the step-by-step process of making herbal oil at home, so you can instantly enjoy its benefits for your skin.

To make carrot oil you will need the following ingredients.


– Carrot

– Base oil (such as oil, coconut or sweet almond oil)
-Vegetable peeler or grater
– Clean, dry glass jar with a lid
– Fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth

Related Post: How To Make Papaya Oil 

Here’s an easy way to make carrot oil

1. Wash and dry the carrots thoroughly. It is best to use organic carrots if possible.

2. Use a vegetable peeler or grater to peel or grate carrots. The smaller they are, the more oil should go into the carrots.

3. Place chopped or peeled carrots in a clean, dry glass jar.

4. Pour the carrier oil over the carrots and make sure they are all submerged. Make sure the jars are tightly closed.

5. Store the container in a cool, dark place for about 2-3 weeks to allow the oil to absorb into the carrots. Gently shake the container daily to help disperse the carrot into the oil.

6. After 2-3 weeks, strain the oil through a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a clean, dry container to remove carrot slices. Click on the debris to remove as much oil as possible.

7. Store carrot oil in a clean, dry, sealed glass jar in a cool, dark place. It should be stored for several months.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On How To Make Carrot Oil

What is carrot oil and what are its benefits?

Carrot oil is a natural oil obtained from carrots. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and nutrients that support and rejuvenate the skin. It is known for its moisturizing properties and ability to improve the appearance of old or damaged skin.

How long does it take to make cooking oil?

The process of making carrot oil at home usually takes a few hours because the carrots need to be placed in oil that contains more fat than heat, which gives good results. Seasonal duration will vary depending on the method used and the strength of the infused oil.

Can I use carrot oil for cooking?

Although carrot oil is mostly used in skincare, it can also be used in cooking. However, it is important to note that household oil may have less smoke than commercial oil, so it is best to use it for cooking in moderately low or low-fat cooking oil.

How do I store oil at home?

Household carrot oil should be stored in a clean, dry, sealed container to maintain its freshness and potency. It is recommended to store in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and heat to prevent oxidation.


It is important to remember that homemade oils have a different shelf life than commercial oils, so it’s advisable to pay attention to the quality and smell of the oil over time and discard it if it develops an off smell or appearance.



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