shine your eye, corper!

A Step-by-step Guide On How To Prepare For NYSC Orientation Camp

How To Prepare For NYSC Orientation CampAre you a prospective member of the National youth service corps? Have you completed your final clearance at your institute of graduation? If you’ve met these, then you’re on the right track!

You see: Many times people get to the camp and become stranded because they do not have the right knowledge of how to prepare for the 3-weeks they are to spend in the NYSC orientation camp.

How do I know this? It is because I was once in your shoes. (FYI, I camped at Obubra Camp of Cross River State)

Let’s face it:

How to prepare for NYSC orientation camp is not a hard process when you have everything needed to give you a peaceful stay. Yet, it could get tough if you fail to acknowledge the tips you are about to read in this piece.

Here’s an outline of what this article holds for you:

  • How to prepare for NYSC orientation camp
  • What to expect at the camp
  • FAQs about NYSC camp

Sounds good? Let’s get this show on the road.

How To Prepare For NYSC Orientation Camp


NYSC is an acronym for National Youth Service Corps. It is a one-year service programme in Nigeria. And we expected anyone who graduates from any higher institution before age 30 to obey this clarion call. 

They conduct the programme three times a year, comprising three batches (A, B, and C) and they expect you to camp in your assigned state for ‌3 weeks before you resume at your place of primary assignment (PPA).

Since your name is on the NYSC Senate list, take the following guidelines before NYSC posts you for service.

  • Buy your NYSC kit early

On your arrival at the camp, they will provide you with two white shirts, two pairs of shorts, two pairs of white socks and a pair of tennis shoes. Now you’ve gotten these provided at the camp, there is still a need to buy your own because the ones provided at the camp may be of inferior quality and might not fit you. This is your own Plan B if any of these occur. Take note!

PS: You can get ‌5 shirts and 5 pairs of shorts. Get a white cardigan too as a measure against cold.

  • Get your documents ready

It is wise to prepare all your documents before leaving for camp. The following documents should be ready:

  1. Certificate or Statement Of Result
  2. A valid school identity card
  3. White background passports (6 or more if possible)
  4. Call up letter
  5. Green card
  6. Marriage documents (If you are married)
  7. Covid-19 registration slip
  8. Medical certificate

Note that you must not laminate your call-up letter and green card. Also, make the photocopies of ‌these documents at least 3 per copy.

  • Get a power bank

This might sound funny, but you should not neglect it. You don’t know how constant power supply would be in the state you’re headed. And you can’t afford to keep your phones without power.

PS: There are charging centers in the Mami market but it could be expensive, especially if you are running on a thin budget.

  • Get a rechargeable torch light and other necessary stationeries early

Buy things like provisions, toiletries, etc. It would make your stay in camp easy. Do you need stapler and staple pins? No! You can always borrow at camp.

  • Find friends before leaving

When they post you to a faraway state, ‌find friends who are going in the same direction so you don’t have a boring journey. Come to think of it, two good heads are better than one!

Thanks to social media, groups would ‌sprout on platforms like WhatsApp as soon as NYSC posts PCM.

  1. Leave early

It is wise to leave your home before your designated date of resuming at the camp in order to get to the camp on the due date and ease the process of registration and others.

With these in check, you’re ready for what’s to come next!

What To Expect At The NYSC Camp

On your arrival at the orientation camp gate, you’ll find security personnel there and your screening has started. Do not be scared. Follow all you’re asked to do.

The security men at the gate would ask for your call-up letter. On seeing it, they will search your bags to ensure you do not bring in any of the items that they don’t allow in.

Following the above is the fight for hostel and bed space. The security men would give you a tag at the gate. It is important not to be careless with your tag. You would need it at the bed space registration point. 

Note: other registration processes follow this.

Helpful Tips To Ensure You Have A Great Time At NYSC Camp

  • Camp thieves!! Be careful and also protect your belongings, especially your NYSC kits. To prevent camp thieves, write your code number with a permanent marker on all your stuff and lock your bags with padlocks. They would give you a state code number at the registration point at the camp.
  • Casual clothes are frowned upon on the campground once you have a tag around your neck. The tag with you signals that you have completed your registration. So once you get your kits, put them on immediately and head to the parade ground. They only allow you to wear casual clothes on Sundays. You would only put on your khaki uniforms at swearing-in ceremonies or other official gatherings.
  • You are to wake early at the camp. They do not tolerate every form of oversleeping. If you are the ‌person who wakes up late, you would get used to waking up as early as 3:30 am to avoid the early morning rush.
  • You need to prepare. It’s a regimented ‌life. At exactly 5 am, there is a loud sound and then soldiers invade all hostels. If they catch you at the hostel still sleeping, ‌I’m sorry for you.
  • Religious activities start at 5:30 am, and a parade follows. At 8:00 am, the parade ends and you are to go for your breakfast. After that, you have your SEAD lectures. You spend hours in the lecture room, then ‌have lunch and then you go for the evening parade.

I know you want to experience these! It’s going to be fun, anyway. And to the last part of “how to prepare for NYSC camp.”

FAQs About How To Prepare For NYSC Orientation Camp

What is the NYSC orientation camp?

The orientation camp is a meeting place to welcome all members and also tell them everything they need to know about youth service. 

It also spans for 3 weeks after which you are discharged to your place of primary assignment (PPA)

Are babies allowed in camp?

The government policy has clearly stated that babies are not to be brought into the camp.

What can I do if I dislike where I was posted for camping?

You have two options; you can either report at the camp or wait for another batch before applying for revalidation ad hopefully, NYSC may reassign you to another state.

Will they pay us during our stay at NYSC Camp?

Yes, you are going to receive your first NYSC allowance of ₦33,300 in your last week of NYSC camp. Also, you would receive a bicycle/transport allowance of ₦3,200 only.

Do they feed Corp members at NYSC Camp?

The government would cater for your feeding during the 3-weeks NYSC orientation programme. Breakfast, Lunch, and dinner. However, you are free to eat at the Mami market if you dislike what the NYSC kitchen is serving.

The End

Now you have seen everything you need to know on how to prepare for NYSC orientation camp. I believe you will have it easier when making your preparations.

With that said;

I wish you a blissful camping experience. Don’t forget to make beautiful memories!

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